That being said, if you notice that none of this works, it might be worth moving to something different and not wasting too much time. The whitelist could be designed in a way so that you can only redirect to a trusted host.
hello… thank you for your answer…found these codes at the source of the page…i think i did not redirect the page because of these codes…Do you think I’m wrong? If I found the right codes, do I have a choice?
var getParameterByName = function (field, url) {
var href = url ? url :;
field = field.replace(/[[]/g, “\[”).replace(/[]]/g, “\]”);
var regex = new RegExp("[\?&]" + field + “=([^&#]*)”),
results = regex.exec(href);
return results === null ? “” : decodeURIComponent(results[1].replace(/+/g, " "));