I’ve read many inspiring stories from researchers that have used their bounty earnings in various ways. I’ve heard of people buying homes, buying new computers…and some folks have even been able to quit their jobs and go full-time as a bounty hunter.
I’d love to hear your story and to share those with the security community.
What have you done with your bounty earnings?
What cool things have you been able to buy? What trips have you gone on? How have bug bounties positively changed your life?
I remember my first bounty that got me my current computer a few years ago (2013). This was when I started bounty hunting. After that I initially kept the money but in the last year I started donating it to various causes I believe are worth it.
Interesting question…and it really depends on my financial needs…Kinda goes in this order:
My kids private school
My youngest son’s hockey
My oldest son’s book collection / high school stuff / car fund
New House
Giving back…
No real order to it…This last year I think I donated about $10k to a local hackerspace over the course of the year, while contributing to each of the other buckets. These are all items that are in my normal budget so it really is just budget relief (except for the new house thing). This year I’ve been pooring more and more into the downpayment fund – as well as contributing to local charaties.