
what are the ways to bypass Cloudflare protection to find out the real IP address

Cloudflare is a ddos attack, that actually I come across almost every other day or so while just browsing online.

Not sure why you’d reply with a wrong answer to a question that wasn’t asked but to OP, I’d check crimeflare or one of the many GitHub projects that are doing just that. Maybe search shodan or check DNS records. It’s not always possible to find it though

Sometimes you can glean IPs from CSP headers in the server’s HTTP responses; and from the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) field in SSL certs.

Good luck!

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Use censys to search for ipv4 for that hostname. Sometimes u will find origin server ip there.
also, there is another way i beleive u can find if u google it. There is a website have leaked ips for compnaies used cloudflare. u can check the company u r testing with it and find out any leaks.